Saturday, September 1, 2012

Meanwhile, one month later...

So we're having a girl. At once I'm validated, ecstatic, exuberant, and...

Scared the hell out of my mind.

A girl. How in the world do I raise a girl? It's a daunting task for a guy who has only brothers and very few cousins growing up.

Well, to be honest, I know how to raise a girl. I just love her mother completely. And her, of course. But it's still a daunting task for a man whose every problem or obstacle in life can be dealt with by a Star Wars quote. Now, as several keep reminding me, she will be her own person (I am EXTREMELY excited to see who she will become) and like her own things. BUT they will probably be girly things. And girly things and I don't get along so well.
This may not bode well for my sanity...
Her name is going to be Penelope Mae Mosey. It's an amazing name, Beth and I are extremely proud of it, and anyone who says otherwise is a git. I keep reminding Beth that I do actually have a chance to change that name when she is blessed. However, I fear for my life should I go rogue and name my baby daughter something to the effect of Door. Or Leia. Yeah, I'm fairly certain I'd lose an eye or an ear for the name Leia Kenobi Mosey. Bad idea.

At this point, Beth is doing pretty well, considering the horrors Penny has put her through thus far. On average, she voids her stomach contents (that's a fun way for saying something nasty) about once a week. So that's good. Oh! and she'd hate for me to say this, but she's also actually gained weight. And I've lost a tad. Huzzah!

We've begun to feel Penelope kicking. Or clawing. Or headbutting. It's really hard to tell what she is in reality doing because she moves a LOT. Apparently Beth has a trapeze installed in her uterus for our little acrobat. When we were in the midst of the latest ultrasound, Penny was upside down. Not only that, but she refused to show her face to the camera. She could be shy. Or the biggest drama queen ever. Come to think of it, that is a lot like Beth when she doesn't have any makeup on...

Little Penelope Mae Mosey.

In other news, Beth has been... growing. Her belly, yes. But also her ankles and her feet. She likes to call them her cankles, as they can become one conjoint mass. Admittedly, she really shouldn't have worn heels the other day, and she paid the price. It was almost a week before her feet deflated to their proper size and shape. Boy am I glad for small favors. Like a Y-chromosome.

Mommy is great. Baby is great. Daddy is... rocking back and forth in the corner.

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